MLB Predictions: NL East

ByMatt Veasey|

The TBOH staff was polled for their predictions on the expected order of finish in each of the six MLB divisions, the outcome of the MLB playoffs, and the winners of some of the major MLB awards for the coming 2015 season.

Below are the results for the expected order of finish in the National League East. There was very little disagreement among the 9 staffers who participated: the Washington Nationals and Miami Marlins are 1-2 in the division now. 

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There was very little disagreement the rest of the way either. The New York Mets are the clear 3rd place favorites, and the Atlanta Braves were overwhelming picks to finish ahead of the Phillies in the race for the basement, if we can say that there is such a thing.

It’s a sad state of affairs for a Major League ball club when a group of mostly hometown writers are picking that team to finish in last place. But such is the state that the admittedly rebuilding and self-expectantly non-contending Philadelphia Phillies find themselves in these days.
