Jayson Werth Begins Seductive Dance with Ryan Madson


"The Nationals are a candidate for Madson if he leaves the Phillies; ex-Phillies teammate Jayson Werth is trying to sell Madson on the Nats.–Jon Heyman, Sports Illustrated"

As Crashburn Alley already reported, Ryan Madson is being called every hour of the day by Jayson Werth in an attempt by the ex-Philadelphia right fielder to re-live his days as a Phillie as realistically as possible.

Its kind of like Shutter Island, but possibly effective.

I’ve always wondered what these phone calls are like.  Are they social?  Threatening?  Robotic?  Does Ryan believe Jayson truly has his best interest at heart?  Or is he painfully aware of his former teammate’s motives?

Regardless, none of it has stopped Jayson from picking up the phone.  This doesn’t have anything to do with resentment over Jayson signing on the dotted line and watching his soul disappear within the fog of greed.  The man earned a pay day, and he got one.  It’s all part of the past.

“Oh, get over it,” they told us.  And we did.  Did anybody see that very fancy ovation Jayson got in Philadelphia?  Why, you could barely hear the vicious booing; and remember, this was in Philadelphia, so “vicious booing” is as much a part of the air as oxygen and terrified screams.

Now, that past is trying to reach into the present and drag another valued member of our team into its festering pit of self preservation.