It’s On


What’s to say?

Tonight, the Phils are going to try and fist their way back into the World Series.

It took a few years, but we’re finally one of those teams that’s got a bag full of magic plays.  From Cliff Lee’s masterful to pitching to J-Roll’s 9th inning, mind-warping, two-run, walkoff double, its been a ride and a half.

And it’s far from over.

Onward comes Hollywood Hamels, a guy who still has something to prove, especially in the postseason.  And that’s saying a lot, because we’re the team that Brad Lidge is on.

The last time Cole was starting, I claimed his head would be in the right place.  But then it turned out that six innings was too much to ask, and maybe we’d have to rely on our bullpen…which was always a risk, but proved okay.

I am twitching to send these Dodgers packing.

But that may just be the three large cups of coffee I adopted as I listen to the Tenacious D soundtrack.

Riding a wave of playoff victory-fueled momentum at home has got to count for something.  Again, I’m sure Cole knows what he’s got to do and I’m sure he plans to do it.  He’s got the talent, he’s got the team backing him up, and I’m sure he’ll have the run support (though suddenly Vicente Padilla is a master mind).  Its about confidence, concentration, and getting out of his own head.

And is nothing else…

Hey, at least we aren’t the Eagles.