When it comes to some of the more famous Philadelphia Phillies relievers in the past, many would come up with names such as Ryan Madson, Brad Lidge, Mitch “Wild Thing” Williams, and of course Tug McGraw. But what about the lesser lights, what happens to their place in Phillies’ history? Well, not to fear, because most likely they can still find themselves to be a part of something special, and that is in its rightful place of Matt Edwards’ “Relief Room”.
This article by @TylerKepner in the New York Times has made for an amazing week & it's only Tuesday. Thank you all for being such a big part of my RR fun & sharing in all the love. The relationships I've built here are tremendous & inspiring. #blessed https://t.co/y1oCocl4HX
— TheReliefRoom (@TheReliefRoom) June 28, 2022
Apparently, Edwards is a huge Phillies fanatic, so much that he has converted one of his bathrooms into a Phillies shrine in his basement. Any former Phillies reliever, whether significant or not, could find themselves with the prestigious honour to be in such a special room. It has been coined the “Relief Room” because after all, it’s the place to go when nature calls, but at the same time, it celebrates the life of unsung heroes that were Phillies relievers from the past as well.
Among all the former players, Scott Eyre, a member of the Phillies during the twilight of his career from 2008-2009, became the first Phillies reliever to actually try out the Relief Room. While in the room, more than 300 historical faces can be found lining the walls mainly on baseball cards, but with some on larger photo prints. But the commemorative items don’t just stop there, as unique items such as a bar of soap depicting Sparky Lyle, the Ron Reed soda can, a cabinet handle featuring Don Carman's broken bat, and a four-sided Kleenex dispenser with Porfi Altamirano, Barry Jones, Warren Brusstar, and Tom Hilgendorf to name a few can also be found in it.
More impressively, Edwards plans to have an expansion of the room in the future. Maybe if its becomes big enough with the added space, he could eventually do something even more dramatic and surprising that we can all patiently anticipate and see.