PhilsWeek! – No-hitters are fun!…for one team


Roy Halladay. Image Credit: Steve Mitchell-USA TODAY Sports

Welcome to PhilsWeek! – a fun* look back at the week that was and all the exciting happenings surrounding everyone’s favorite major league baseball team: The Philadelphia Phillies!

*Note: Amount of fun experienced may vary.

Super big Phillies issue of the week: No-hitters are fun…for one side, at least

Remember how much fun it was back in 2010 when Roy Halladay was throwing no-hitters? That was pretty awesome, right? And it was pretty cool when Kevin Milwood, Tommy Greene, and Terry Mulholland did it before him.

It was probably less fun for Phillies fans in 1978 when Bob Forsch threw one against them. (I can’t really say for sure, considering that I was just a baby when it happened.) After having now seen no-hitters pitched both by and against the Phillies, I can say with great certainty that it’s much more fun when the Phillies’ pitcher is the one who throws it.

I suppose that since the Phillies had thrown five no-hitters since the last time they were no-hit, they might have been due. I just hope they can go at least another 35 years before it happens again.

Pennant year song of the week

Winning the National League pennant isn’t something the Phillies do all that often; it’s only happened seven times in team history. Each week, I’ll take a song from one of those years that somehow ties into the events of the past week.

I Have Nothing – Whitney Houston, 1993

This song sums up the Phillies, at least in terms of how many hits they got on Sunday.

Speaking of hits, at this point in time, it seemed like Whitney would never stop producing hits. But like the Phillies’ offense, the good times would not continue forever.

Right player, wrong uniform

There are some players who played their entire careers with a single team, and it’s impossible to imagine them in a different uniform: Mike Schmidt with the Phillies,Cal Ripken with the Orioles, and Derek Jeter with the Yankees are prime examples. On the other hand, there are some players who you might associate with a certain team…but they also had a forgettable stint (or two) with another team. You might not remember their time with those other teams, but the internet never forgets!

Robin Ventura was an excellent third baseman for the White Sox throughout most of the nineties. Unfortunately, despite hitting almost 300 career home runs, he’s probably best remembered for getting into a fight with Nolan Ryan. That fight ended with Ryan putting Ventura into a headlock and essentially giving him a few “noogies.”

After leaving the White Sox, he bounced around for a few years. He finished up with two lackluster years for the Dodgers.

The Week Ahead

The Phillies will host Troy Tulowitzki and the rest of the powerful Colorado Rockies offense during the week. After that, they’ll welcome the New York Mets for a five-game series over the weekend. (The fifth game is a makeup of a game that was rained out earlier this season)

Inane Rap Lyric of the Week

I’m like Tyrannosaurus Rex. I sense movement then I gotta wreck shop.”  – Sir Mix-a-lot, Ride

Looks like somebody was paying attention during Jurassic Park.

See you next week for another installment of PhilsWeek! Be sure to follow me (@MikeLacy_215) and  That Ball’s Outta Here (@FS_TBOH)  on the Twitter!