Eric Hartline-US PRESSWIRE
In midsummer, when our lives were consumed by cotting for choice and wondering just what sort of demented hellride this Phillies team planned to take us on, there were, actually other things happening. While the news cycle did churn out stories involving nationwide issues like “politics” and “economies,” I am referring to “other things” without leaving the realm of baseball. Without even leaving the realm of Phillies baseball, even. I mean, why ever leave it? It’s so warm and inviting.
Anyways, the point is, the Reading Phils were gearing up to host the AA All-Star Game, featuring an aggressively wonky home run derby that starred body suits, trampolines, defense, and local celebrity Ryan Petzar. It was the city’s big chance to offer a sliver of the baseball-insanity that passed for normal behavior, and they pretty much nailed it.
It doesn’t take an All-Star Game for the R-Phils to feature enough mascots to start a band or players walking up an outfield wall to make a barehanded “catch.” It’s just sort of how they do things. And in a world of miscues and human elements, isn’t it refreshing to see a man in an American flag-painted body suit having a private rave on the infield grass?
Don’t you just want to become a part of that?
Internships are now open for the Phillies AA affiliate located in Baseballtown, USA for a variety of team departments–marketing, sales, media relations, ostrich wrangling, mascot feeding, skin tight patriotism/modern dance, tailoring a series of tongues made out of felt, and trampolining for fungoes.
So if this look like an every day situation in which you want to get involved,
Then here is the contact info you need.