Tyler Cloyd (1-1, 4.95 ERA)   Tyler Cloyd's first four starts in a..."/> Tyler Cloyd (1-1, 4.95 ERA)   Tyler Cloyd's first four starts in a..."/>

Phillies vs. Mets: Any more heroics?


Tyler Cloyd (1-1, 4.95 ERA)

Frank Victores-US PRESSWIRE

Tyler Cloyd’s first four starts in a Phillies uniform have been up and down, good not great, so-so, cosi cosi, basically just ok. He made his debut against these very same Mets, pitching well but not well enough to get the win. Once Tyler’s nerves settled down he got into a groove striking out five in six innings of work. His last start on the other hand was forgettable. He lasted only three innings giving up five hits and three earned. Cloyd doesn’t have the track record yet to earn a longer leash from Charlie , so he’ll have to be sharp early on. If Cloyd doesn’t make any adjustments it could be rough going in Queens, as the Mets know what’s coming this time around.

Jeremy Hefner (2-6, 4.99 ERA)

Anthony Gruppuso-US PRESSWIRE

Hefner’s rookie campaign started back in April, but has been a bit rocky. He’s bounced back and forth from the rotation to the pen, never really asserting himself in either role. Hefner the reliever got shelled by the Phillies on July 4th giving up three earned in just over an inning of work. Hefner the starter faired a bit better beating the Phils back in May, and earning his first big league win in the process. The Mets are giving him another shot as a starter tonight hoping for some momentum that can carry over into next season.

 Total Breakdown

While Cloyd righted the ship in his first meeting with New York two players hurt him the most, Lucas Duda and Ike Davis. Duda welcomed the rookie to the big leagues with a home run, while Davis collected two hits. Cloyd will have to be able to throw his cutter inside against the Mets lefties, otherwise these guys will be feasting off the rookie all night.

Given the amount of change over with the Phillies roster this year, there aren’t too many at bats against Hefner on the current roster. Ty Wigginton is the only player with multiple hits, including a home run off the rookie right hander.

In this battle of rookies, whoever is able to make the adjustments over the course of the game should prevail. But, don’t be surprised if both teams are forced to go to the pen early on.