Did Anyone Ever Like Brett Myers?


There will be no photo today.  There will be very little in the way of analysis.  I absolutely DESPISE Brett Myers.  I could not stand the tubby, underachieving right hander when he was a Phillie and now he uses every start against his former team to remind me how much I hate him.  Brett was always supposed to be the ace.  The quote from Bull Durham springs to mind; Million dollar arm, ten cent head.

He has good stuff, his curveball remains a definite plus pitch, but his attitude and demeanor remain the biggest hinderances in his game.  Any pitcher who bitches about his home ballpark’s dimensions in response to getting shelled certainly loses major points in my book.  Add that to hitting his wife and Brett emerged as the biggest asshole on the 2008 championship club.  Hitting your spouse is bad enough, but Brett decided that hitting her in public in broad daylight was a good idea.  He is a mediocre pitcher and a terrible person.

Myers pitched really well today.  It always makes me wonder when a man of Brett’s character is successful.  It just never seems fair.  This was, in pretty much every facet, a forgettable game.  The team could not hit or field and in the process, handed the game to the Astros 5-1.

Tomorrow the Phillies face a former Phillie that is considerably less reprehensible in J.A. Happ.  Cole Hamel goes for his career high tying fifteenth win tomorrow.