Top 5 Braves You Wouldn’t Want to Fight

Today is the dawn of a new era, in that I asked a few people to do guest posts, and they didn’t (all) say “You’re in direct violation of the restraining order.”  Lauren from Braves Love has plenty to say about her team, especially the way that many of them could dominate you physically.

Hi Phillies fans, Lauren from Braves Love here. I write a little blog about the Braves from a female fan’s perspective — there are a lot of posts with gameday pictures, pictures of Braves hugging, and gushing over how much we (women) love them. No hard-hitting statistical analysis there, no sir!

I do love to talk in hypotheticals amongst my friends, so after a little discussion with them, here’s the official Braves Love list of the Top Five Braves You Wouldn’t Want to Fight. Enjoy!

1. Kyle Farnsworth, RRP

I discussed Farnsy’s rep when he was traded to the Braves — in case you’re not familiar, the man’s been in a few fights. 😉 Here’s video of the infamous Paul Wilson fight, and here’s Wilson’s face afterwards. Kyle appeared to be fine. The goggles, tattoos, enormous quads, and poppin’ arm veins are excellent intimidators.

2. Craig Kimbrel, RRP

Kimbrel seems to be the heir-apparent for the Braves 2011 closer spot, after Billy Wagner retires at the end of this season. Don’t let the babyface fool you — the kid can throw over 100mph and was a second-degree black belt in Taekwondo before it started interfering with baseball.

3. Alex Gonzalez, SS

Extremely competitive, excellent “angry” face, does NOT like to lose. I can’t imagine crossing him.

4. Eric Hinske, Corner Utility

He’s just a huge dude who could take care of business. His intro song is Pantera’s “Walk”, by far the scariest of all the Braves intro songs. His back tattoo is by far the scariest of all the Braves’ tattoos. And yet, he always comes off so nice in interviews… I’m glad he’s a Brave; I’ll say that.

5. Matt Diaz, OF

Did you see him help take out the streaker? Matt doesn’t back down from a fight. 😀

Honorable Mentions

Kris Medlen (SP on the DL) – Don’t let his size fool you, he could probably take you down…and he’d love every second of it.
Tim Hudson (SP) – Don’t let Huddy’s frame fool you either. You gotta watch those wiry Alabama boys.
Bobby Cox (Manager) – May 1995 arrest for battery, and obviously, we all know his ejection record.
Chipper Jones (3B) – While filming his hunting reality show Buck Commander, if you “accidentally” got shot in Canada, no one would ever know. 😉
