TBOH Still Somehow in Running for Philadelphia’s Most Valuable Blog


I’m sure you’ve heard by now.

The clamoring throngs assembling in the city streets; stopping traffic; blaring klaxons; punching police horses with glee–That Balls Outta Here was not only nominated for Most Valuable Blogger by CBS Philadelphia, we’ve actually made it to the Finals, along with every other blog that was originally nominated.  So.  Vote for us here.

It’s no surprise that our precise analysis and bold predictions have kept us both current and hip.  Some baseball blogs try to throw numbers and formulas at you, as if you’re some kind of robot that exists only to perform complex mathematics early in the morning while completely unable to love.  Why are those blogs like that?  Who knows.  I blame the schools.

Meanwhile, here at TBOH, we are totally free of logic and controlled solely by our emotions.  So keep on voting, and I’ll keep on having a reason to check my email in the morning.  And if we win, hey, maybe I’ll do something special that I haven’t thought of yet.  Blogs do that, right?  The good ones?  I’ll bet some of the other finalists are offering you t-shirts or something, as if your love can be bought with material goods or money, like a prostitute.

Well, that’s why TBOH’s here.

That Balls Outta Here:  The Philadelphia Phillies Blog that Helps You Finally Prove to Yourself that You’re Not a Prostitute.